Getting Your Cat Fixed: What To Expect

Getting Your Cat Fixed: What to Expect

If you have a cat and do not plan on breeding it, you should consider spay or neuter surgery. These procedures ensure your cat cannot get pregnant or get another cat pregnant, helping reduce pet overpopulation. This pet surgery also provides significant health and behavioral benefits for your cat. Parkway Animal Hospital in Grand Prairie, TX, is here to tell you more about spay and neuter surgery and what to expect from them.

Understanding Spay and Neuter Surgery

Spaying or neutering your cat removes its reproductive organs to prevent unwanted pregnancies. Spaying involves the removal of your female cat’s ovaries and uterus, and neutering removes your male cat’s testes. These procedures help reduce pet overpopulation and save you the trouble of caring for and finding homes for unwanted kittens.

What to Expect Before, During, and After Surgery

We recommend spaying or neutering kittens once they reach six months old. That said, healthy cats can undergo these surgeries at any age. We check your cat for pre-existing health conditions and perform blood work to ensure your cat is healthy enough for the surgery.

If your cat can safely undergo the procedure, we will put it under general anesthesia to prevent pain. We then make incisions to remove your cat’s reproductive organs. These surgeries are minimally invasive and usually last between half an hour and an hour. Spaying and neutering are outpatient procedures, meaning you can take your cat home the same day as the operation. We will provide pain medication and recommend you limit your pet’s activity until the incisions heal.

Benefits of Spaying or Neutering Your Cat

In addition to preventing unwanted pregnancies, spaying or neutering your cat provides several health and behavioral benefits. Spayed cats can no longer get uterine infections and ovarian cancer. Neutered cats have a much lower risk of developing testicular cancer and other prostate problems. These procedures also reduce or eliminate behaviors associated with mating, such as heat cycles, howling, roaming, and aggression.

Visit Our Veterinarian Near You in Grand Prairie, TX, to Spay or Neuter Your Cat Today

If you have a cat and want to spay or neuter it to prevent unwanted pregnancies, contact Parkway Animal Hospital in Grand Prairie, TX, today. Our vet will ensure your pet lives a long, healthy life free from pregnancy scares, so call us and schedule this pet surgery at (972) 263-7277 to help your cat live its best life.

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